Fibre Disease, Intestinal Pseudo-Parasites & the Self-Assembly of Nano-Bots. The Multiple Facets of the Morgellon Condition and Treatments Explained.
What is Morgellons?
Morgellons is a conditions whereby nylon looking threads are seen in the blood either under a microscope via a Live Blood Analysis or can be seen protruding out of the skin in some cases. The medical industry have been trained to call this disorder ’Delusional Parasitosis’. Patients are then given psychotropic medication and sent home without proper treatment.
Microscopic Analysis
Visual and microscopic analysis of Morgellon-related documentation revealed the complete life-cycle of a fungus that shows characteristics of the order of the entomophthorales. The pathogenic entomophthoralean fungi cause infection in insects and mammalian hosts. Entomophthorales is an order of fungi that are primarily pathogens of insects, but some species can also infect other animals, including humans. The most common genera that cause entomophthoromycosis in humans are Conidiobolus and Basidiobolus [1]
As typical for this order of fungi, Morgellons, that are growing in the tissue and in some cases exit via the skin, create pseudomorphous fruiting bodies, following secondary genetic clusters. Derived from the few identifiable anatomic details, the Morgellon-related fruiting bodies seem to follow the morphogenesis of a human-spider cross-breed. Regarding the medical condition a system of differential diagnostics is proposed.
The Morgellons- or fibre-disease (when appearing on farm animals like cows described as bovine digital dermatitis)
The visual approach identified mycelium, pedunculare base, different stages of fruiting body growth, spores and spore-carrying organs. Regarding the visual analysis, it seems that we have to deal with a biotechnologically engineered fungus with the ability to assimilate extrinsic DNA and, by this, making its fruiting body mimic the morphogenesis of other species. Due to this quality, the biological order of the fungus could be determined as very likely being derived from the order of the entomophthorales.
Most forms of this fungus order are natural enemies of insects. When they infect insects, i.e. manage to enter their body, the fungus spreads within the body, basically eats the insects from the inside, grows a fruiting body that resembles the insect in shape and size, and then forms spores and tries to infect other insects. There are two special abilities in this biological order to support the overall concept that also plays a role in the Morgellons disease.
1.The fungi are able to assimilate the DNA of their victim, integrate it, multiply it, and build up a DNA cluster that creates a morphogenetic field that resembles the victims morphogenetic field. This morphogenetic resemblance might have two goals: It might fool the bio-energetic part of the immune system of the victim. The fungus appears to be part of the victim. There is no reason for the immune system to attack it. Maybe this DNA integration and biofield-generation has a further goal: to attract more victims by morphogenetic resemblance and sexual attraction on field level.
2. The second obvious goal is to attract and infect more victims by real life mimicry. With the morphogenetic field of the victim the fungus is able to form a “mushroom”, a fruiting body that resembles the original blueprint of the victims DNA in form and size. With insects you will have a mushroom that grows in the form of the insect that it just had killed. As a secondary feature the fungus is even able to integrate parts of the exo-skeleton of the victim by recognizing the surface structure and integrating it into its own body structure. This especially is the case with the eyes, the area where the spores are located, forming structures glowing in cold light that make the insect look alive. By this mimicry of living insects they eventually find a secondary host in birds eating the infected insects. This class of fungi has been widely used to genetically engineer myco-insecticides.
Regarding the visual analysis, it seems that we have to deal with a biotechnologically engineered fungus with the ability to assimilate extrinsic DNA and, by this, making its fruiting body mimic the morphogenesis of other species. Due to this quality, the biological order of the fungus could be determined as very likely being derived from the order of the entomophthorales.
Chemical Analysis
Regarding the chemical analysis of the fibres it seems that there is some form of artificial casing utilised to seed the infection under extreme conditions, and/or make it survive as biomechanical components even when the bio-form itself is destroyed by the immune system. The function of those elements can be understood as components of self-assembling transhumanistic technologies, described as plasmonic fibres (mycelium) and hexagonal plasmonic photonic crystals (spore-containing organs) as read/write units forming a microwave/biophoton-communication interface.[2]
Morgellons Technology works as a Read/Write Unit
Readable Unit - The scientific research around this phenomenon identifies Morgellons as self-replicating hollow fibres that can read out the light frequency of your DNA and transform that signal into an EM (Electro Magnetic) signal that is detectable via satellites and ground stations.
Writeable Unit - This technology is also capable of inserting a radio frequency into a living entity to change it's behaviour and biometrics.
The Bases Project Harald Kautz Vella - Morgellons discussed at 44 minutes in
Biochemical Analysis
The biochemical analysis and DNA fragmentation shows a synthetic life form, described as: A disease in which individuals have the growth of fibres from their skin that burn at 1,700 degrees F and do not melt. The chemical and biological composition of these fibres has shown that the fibres' outer casing is made up of high density polyethylene fibre (HDPE) which is commonly used in the manufacture of fibre optics. It was further determined that this material is used throughout the bio-nanotechnology world. Used as a compound to encapsulate a viral protein envelope, which is composed of a viron (1/150th times smaller than a virus) with DNA, RNA, RNAi (mutated RNA) or RNAsi linear or ring plasmids for specific functions [3]
Toxicological pathology identification of tissue biopsies from an individual diagnosed with Morgellons revealed the presence of continual silica or glass tubules with the presence of silicon.
The Term ‘Pure-Blood’ is a Myth
Those unvaccinated have been using the term ‘Pure-Blood’ to explain that their blood is not affected by the current transhumanistic agenda. But after conducting many Live Blood Analysis I can confirm that 99% of unvaccinated clients that come in to my practice for a Live Blood Analysis have some kind of transhumanistic technology in their blood - mainly Morgellons.
How are we being infected?
Air - Geoengineering - There are many ways Morgellons can enter our system. I was first brought to my attention was in 2013 when I found that fibres were being distributed through Geoengineering (weather manipulation) through experts such as Clifford Carnicom and German Scientist Harald Kautz Vella.
According to research done by the Carnicom Institute, Morgellons have been found to carry red cells within their fibres, cells with the ability to multiply out of the context of the human body. The cells have also been found as an aerosol coming down from the sky. They have been labelled red human blood cells by Carnicom research. This opens the possibility that the Morgellon fungus does not replicate human DNA, but instead multiplies a different, genetically engineered genome that could be designed in any manner needed, including the possibility to represent crossbreeds that would never survive as real beings.[4]
Food - Dr Ana Mihalcea has identified Morgellons threads in meat and milk. [5]
Masks - I covered one of my previous Substack articles how Morgellons looking threads were present in masks[6]
PCR Tests - I have also covered how a client came to me with a PCR injury and had to remove both red and blue Morgellons like threads from his nose after taking a PCR test. [7]
Vaccines - Dr David Nixon has covered the topic of nanotechnology, chips and Morgellon like threads extensively in vaccines on his website
As alarming as this dis-order sounds in my experience treating the issue has been fairly straight forward. I am aware that many have spent years trying to solve the issue of Morgellons. But I have found that nature still stands up as the best solution to restoring such a problem and I always turn to the power of volcanic rock powder known as Zeolite. There are many types of Zeolite and all have a particular function. When dealing with an issue that lies in at the cellular level Pure Body Extra - Colloidal Clinoptilolite Zeolite has removed the presence of Morgellons in my Live Blood Analysis in a matter of two weeks.
A strict diet is required to avoid the human body being a good host for this issue in the future. Avoid ALL pharmaceuticals including vaccinations, also no meat, milk products, alcohol, refined sugar, coffee and all products with glyphosate contamination. Here you focus is to ensure there is not an over-acidification or heavy metal poisoning. Plus a two hour hot bath with soda and alfalfa will trigger a Morgellons exodus from the skin.
Morgellons and Other Disorders
With Morgellons we face such a shift in order with candida forms that disable the lymphatic flow in the liver and thus creates exactly the over-acidified and heavy metal polluted environment they need to stay dominant.
At this point there is a feedback to the environment in the lower intestines. The two disbalanced system interact and create a condition that involves
- ADS, ADHS, Asperger and Autism when occurring at young age,
- it creates the Morgellon condition at mid-age, including symptoms of herpes, hay
fever, skin conditions, asthma all being secondary detox-mechanisms
The third environment in the body that should be understood in a broader view on health is the intracellular system. It is researched and described as the Vitamin D axis, involving GC proteins, GCmaf, Vitamin D herpes and nagalase, all trying to access the Vitamin D receptors in the cells, which are regulating the function of the intracellular immune system. In this context also old age and autoimmune disease, being a feature of the intracellular environment, can be understood as based on a distortion of the extracellular environment. The connection points are the herpes that occurs to detox fungi poisons and the GC protein production of the liver, that might be malfunctioning when the liver is disabled by candida.
With old age disease, the body will tend to deposit toxins, rather than fight to expel them. This deposition finally damages the nervous system causing dementia, Alzheimers, ALS, Parkinson, Creutzfeld Jakob and MS.[8]
[3] Staninger, Ph.D., Hildegarde. Private Funded Independent Study on the Identification of Chemical and Biological Composition of Fibers from Moregellon Diagnosed Patients. Integrative Health International, LLC. Lakewood, CA © October 5, 2006. Laboratory Report: Fiber made of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE).
[4] Environmental Medicines Approach to Geoengineering-Induced Disease.
[5] Dr Ana Mihalcea
[6] Nanotechnology found in Masks -
[7]Morgellons in PCR Tests
Further Reading
You almost have it right, but not with the plasmonic chips and antennae. You can find it all in the US patent system. It utilises the Kerr effect with resonance frequency converted from biphotonic light.